

Celebrating Volunteers

I’ve discovered an invaluable secret – listen to what’s in your heart and pursue it with all you have. Yes, it’s taken me 50 years and it’s not always easy. Some days I’m tempted to think – “I got this,” while other days I just pray I don’t look like a fool!

I read a great book a few weeks ago; Just Courage, by Gary Haugen. He is the founder of International Justice Mission and I love his perspective. His premise is that we find our calling when we really start seeking justice, rescuing the oppressed, defending the orphan, pleading for the widow.

This has definitely been true in my own life. We don’t get a “do-over” in our generation. We have to take our Carpe Diem moments when they arrive. And, sometimes seizing the day is a bit like standing on the bank of a raging river deciding how to throw a lifeline to friends fighting for their lives in the middle of a class 10 rapid.

My lifeline is a chain-link made of individuals; teams and friends who join us in the work. I’ve doubled down on my gratitude for those who’ve helped and I want to pay a special tribute their sacrificial service. I can’t believe so many of you continue to Walk With Me into war-torn areas to make a difference in the lives of others. I wish I could share my entire GoogleDrive full of volunteer team photos. The teams that travel with us are caring, funny, loving, gifted, unique and full of compassion. I love serving with each of you who have joined us!

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Because of our amazing volunteers, donors and partner organizations, we’ve accomplished a lot in 2018. We are more passionate than ever about the future and the positive impact we can make in the world. We firmly believe the best is yet to come!

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